Corporate Governance & Diversity
Thareja (“the Company”) believes in conducting its affairs in a fair, transparent and professional manner and maintaining the good ethical standards in its dealings with all its constituents.
The Company is committed to follow good Corporate Governance practices [Do No Evil], which includes having professional Directors on the Board, adopting pragmatic policies and effective systems and procedures and subjecting business processes to audits and checks measuring up to required standards.
The driving force behind the Company’s management is putting tomorrow’s progress today and being backed by a culture of high-tech and quality. Thareja strives to satisfy customer needs and retain leadership by delivering quality services through continuous improvement by motivated employees.
The policies and actions of the Company are in terms of applicable guidelines on Corporate Governance with endeavor to enhance shareholders’ value.
Thareja is proactive in supporting diversity in the workplace and in the communities in which it operates. Thareja has adopted a broad reaching and comprehensive Affirmative Action Plan and has forged relationships with Minority, Women Owned, Disadvantaged and Small Businesses across the United States to achieve its diversity objectives.
Global Operations
We are World Class Designers & Developers. Digital Transformation & Innovation is our forte.

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Everything we do, we do it for our users. We care about product quality, attention to detail, and making a positive impact on as many people as we can.
Hundreds of thousands of users around the world downloaded our 9+ apps.